Children are born ready to learn. Each new experience is a learning experience, and the connections that these early experiences make in a baby’s brain are the most important ones of all. Like building a house, what comes first lays the foundations for what happens later on.
Learning at this age occurs through their everyday routines. This is why our educators see nappy changing, feeding, cuddling, waking up and going to sleep times as opportunities to introduce experiences that will help infants learn about moving, communicating, understanding their surroundings and forming relationships with other people.
Babies develop best when they have a trusted educator who can read their cues and respond to their needs. Our educators make sure each child receives plenty of individual attention and are lovingly cared for. Talking, playing, singing, reading, listening, moving, feeding, watching and touching are just a few of the many ways we nurture babies’ early intellectual, communication, physical, social and emotional development skills to help provide strong foundations for ongoing learning.
Our educators work closely with families to create a caring environment, where every baby is valued, and their abilities, interests and routines are respected and followed.

With interesting finger food and lots of encouragement, our educators use mealtimes to help infants develop their coordination and fine motor skills.

Educators playing peek-a-boo at nappy change time to help babies learn that people and objects continue to exist, even when they can’t see, hear or touch it.

A secure bond with a familiar educator makes children feel safe and supported and helps them develop a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Educators use quiet play times to help baby muscles learn to develop and move independently.
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