Tane’s Story
First Nations mother Tane became a single mother on a single income overnight, and ELF stepped in with financial support for her son Malaki to continue early learning access and ensure Tane could continue working.
Natasha’s Story
Through ELF, twins Hunter and Emma were able to continue their early learning journey. Natasha’s eldest and youngest son have Aarskog-Scott Syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting the development of many parts of the body and can also affect learning. Natasha and her twins are one of many families that have benefited from early learning in more ways that you can imagine. With the support of ELF and in-centre allied health support for Hunter, single mother Natasha describes the life-changing nature of ELF.
Brianna’s Story
First Nations single parent Brianna relocated from Peaks Hill, NSW, to Brisbane to break the cycle of vulnerability and create a better life for her three-year-old son Kayde. Thanks to early learning, Kayde is thriving across all areas of his development and at the same time, it has given Brianna an opportunity to work additional days to build her financial security and aid her ambition to purchase their first family home.
Lauren’s Story
Fee-relief meant three-year-old Layla continued accessing two days of early learning each week after both of her parents lost their jobs due to COVID-19. In her mother's words, Lauren, they "hit" rock bottom, and it became a crisis situation of whether to pay fees today or put food on the table tomorrow. Thanks to ELF, Layla was provided two years of fee-relief and successfully transitioned to school. Lauren shares how one phone call changed her and her family’s life.
Jasmine’s Story
Kowyn's mother Jasmine was under financial stress, while also trying to support her two sons with disabilities, including four-year-old son Kowyn. The Early Learning Fund stepped in to support while also helping Kowyn access allied health services at his Goodstart centre. Access to early learning and additional wrap-around support has supported his learning and development beyond his mother's imagination.
Kim’s story
The life trajectory of single mother Kim and her two children changed for the better by removing financial barriers for her children to attend early learning and enabling Kim to gain employment.
Andrea’s story
Andrea is an Early Childhood Teacher who sees the priceless benefits of ELF every single day. Andrea teaches a number of children who would miss out on early learning and start school at a disadvantage if it weren’t for ELF.
Oliver’s story
Oliver’s mum Olivera is a single parent who emigrated from Macedonia around 10 years ago. Olivera needs a little financial assistance to ensure Oliver gets the crucial early learning he needs to be prepared for school.
Jazz’s story
Unfortunately, Jazz has had a very chaotic childhood so far. Until recently she was living with her mother and brother, however, traumatic circumstances led to Jazz and her brother being put into their father Jack’s, full-time care. As a single father of three, Jack needed ELF’s assistance. Watch the video to see just how much difference ELF made.
Alex’s story
Incredibly, Alex was born at just 27 weeks. Being so premature meant Alex had some learning issues, so quality early learning was critical. Coming from a non-English speaking family also presented other challenges for Alex’s family. Fortunately, ELF was on hand to ensure Alex received a great start to his education.
Ivan’s story
Ivan was born with some hearing issues which made learning extra challenging for him. Coming from a low income family meant Ivan needed some ELF help. Fortunately, Ivan’s mum Oanh was able to receive assistance from ELF so he could catch up with the other children.
Miss Aggie’s story
Miss Aggie has a real passion for early learning – as a teacher she works to create an environment where the children thrive and are prepared to start school on the front foot.
Caitlyn’s story
Caitlyn sees firsthand the genuine difference the Early Learning Fund makes in the lives of children and families. She loves how people experiencing different circumstances can access ELF and give their children the early education they deserve.
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