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Four stages of a child’s development – Toddlers

Child development

Toddlers are full of energy and curiosity. This is the age when children start to become aware of their independence.

Your child’s educator should have an insight into your child’s interests and needs, so that they can have a planned program that builds their confidence, interact with others and develop new skills.

This is the second in a series of posts about the stages of development in early childhood. You can read about the other phases from infancy through to preschool on our blog.

How toddlers learn

Your toddler’s communications skills move ahead at a remarkable rate as they progress from baby sounds to words and phrases, and they will enjoy engaging in conversation and activities that build on their early literacy skills and communication with others.

As toddlers become more active, it’s a great time for developing gross motor skills too, so plenty of active play, indoors and out should be on the cards.

Having solid relationships with adults is important during this stage, as these relationships are the platform from which toddlers will branch out and explore from. The comfort and security they gain from having a ‘safe place’ to return to will give them the confidence to range further and learn more.

Ways to encourage learning

There are many great ways to encourage your toddler to learn and grow. Simple activities like dancing, communicating with their words, exploring new foods, playing with different materials and building things help them grasp more complex ideas like sharing and interacting with peers, as well as aiding in the development of gross and fine motor skills.

Carefully providing toddlers with the opportunities to engage their natural curiosity while giving them the security of a trusted presence will let them gain the independence and confidence they will need to navigate the world as they grow and become increasingly interested in how the world works.

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